Magnesium for Health, its Absorption and Supplement

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Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining human health. The human body contains approximately 30g of magnesium. About 60% is distributed in the bones and teeth, while the rest is present in muscles and the liver. Some magnesium is also found in other organs and the blood. Magnesium can activate and regulate over 300 enzymes, participating in nearly all metabolic processes.

Magnesium is activators of certain enzymes

Some enzymes require the presence of magnesium ions to be activated and perform their catalytic functions. It is a cofactor in the activation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the body's primary source of energy. ATP is involved in all metabolic processes. Enzymes also bind with proteins and DNA to construct their three-dimensional structures. DNA polymerase, can only complete its replication process in the presence of magnesium ions.

Magnesium for Heart health

Magnesium plays a significant role in maintaining normal heart rhythm. It is involved in regulating the electrical potential of heart muscle cells, helping to sustain stable heartbeats and prevent irregular heartbeats. It contributes to the dilation of blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and reducing the workload on the heart. A deficiency in magnesium increases the risk of irregular or heartbeats. Magnesium supplements have certain effects in treating heart disease. In regions with high levels of magnesium in drinking water, the likelihood of heart disease occurrence is reduced. It is often used in the emergency treatment of heart disease and high blood pressure.

Magnesium for Nervous system health

Magnesium plays a key role in nerve function and transmission. Too little magnesium ions in the blood can lead to nerve excitement and muscle tension, while too much can relax muscles and inhibit nerve excitation. Magnesium is involved in the synthesis and metabolism of various brain neurotransmitters. These substances play important roles in regulating emotions, sleep, and more. Research has found that magnesium deficiency may lead to a shortage and dysfunction of these neurotransmitters, resulting in anxiety, depression, insomnia, and more. Therefore, proper magnesium supplementation can not only alleviate negative emotions and reduce psychological stress but also relax muscles and migraines.

Magnesium for Bone health

Magnesium is an essential component of bones and teeth. Approximately 60% of magnesium in the human body is present in the form of magnesium phosphate and magnesium carbonate in bones and teeth. It aids in the absorption of calcium and vitamin D, both of which are essential for maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis. Studies have shown that elderly individuals who take magnesium supplements can alleviate the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Absorption and supplementation of Magnesium

One needs to intake about 3-4 grams of magnesium per day. It is primarily absorbed in the small intestine. In addition to the small intestine, a small amount can also be absorbed in the stomach and large intestine. The absorptive process in the small intestine involves both passive and active transport mechanisms. Therefore, when an excessive amount of magnesium is ingested, the workload of the transport proteins can become saturated, leading to a decrease in absorption efficiency. Some acidic substances, such as lactose and acidic amino acids, can enhance the dissolution of magnesium. On the other hand, certain substances can inhibit its absorption. For instance, oxalates and phosphate compounds can form precipitates with magnesium. The presence of calcium can interfere with magnesium absorption, as they share transport proteins.

In general, magnesium in daily diets is quite abundant. However, rich phosphate compounds found in animal source food like fish, meat, and shrimp hinder its absorption. Magnesium is abundant in plants, particularly in green vegetables. Nevertheless, during food processing, especially the ground grains, a significant amount of magnesium is lost. Alcohol leads to decreased magnesium levels in the blood and tissues. Prolonged alcohol abuse significantly reduces magnesium content in the body. Certain medications, such as antacids or proton pump inhibitors that reduce stomach acid, can prevent magnesium from appearing as ions in the intestines. Additionally, a portion of daily magnesium intake comes from local drinking water. If water contains insufficient magnesium or if water softening equipment removes metal ions, the body can easily become deficient in magnesium. Symptoms of deficiency may include muscle cramps, fatigue, and abnormal heart rhythms.

It is preferred to food, but magnesium supplements can also be used. Many foods are rich in this element, including green vegetables, nuts, whole grains, legumes and seafood. Magnesium supplements are available in various forms, including magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide, and magnesium glycinate.

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