- Material in life ▼
- Element in life
- Free water vs bound water
- Water hydrogen bond
- Sugar (1): Monosaccharide
- Sugar (2): Disaccharide
- Sugar (3): Amylose vs Amylopectin
- Sugar (4): Glycogen
- Lipid (1): fats
- Lipid (2): trans fats
- Lipid (3): trans fat, iTFAs vs rTFAs
- Lipid (4): Phospholipid
- Lipid (5): Steroids
- Lipid (6): bio natural wax
- Protein (1): functions
- Protein (2): Amino acids
- Protein (3): Polypeptide
- Protein (4): 4 level structure
- Protein (5): 6 interactions
- Protein (6): denaturation
- Protein (7): hydrolysis, absorption
- Nutrients for cellular fuel
- Organelle ▼
- Plant Cell vs Animal Cell
- Organelle
- Nucleus
- Rough vs smooth ER
- Golgi Body
- Ribosome, Ribozyme
- Lysosome
- Plant Central Vacuole
- Peroxisome
- Plastid (1): Proplastid
- Plastid (2):Chromoplast
- Plastid (3): Chloroplast Ⅰ
- Plastid (4):Chloroplast Ⅱ
- Mitochondria (1)
- Mitochondria (2)
- Cytoskeleton: microtubule
- Membrane, transport ▼
- Plant cell wall
- Extracellular matrix
- Cell junction
- Membrane fluidity
- Membrane function
- Simple Diffusion
- Active transporter
- Facilitated diffusion
- Metabolism ▼
- Energy flow, negative Entropy
- Gibbs free energy
- ATP: energy currency
- Factor for enzyme activity
- Enzyme, PH, temperature
- Enzyme: inhibitors, activators
- Catabolism, Respiration
- Aerobic Respiration
- Anaerobic respiration
- Fermentation
- L-lactic acid fermentation
- Photosynthesis (1): history
- Photosynthesis (2): overview
- Photosynthesis (4): Dark Reaction, C3
- Photosynthesis (5): photorespiration
- Photosynthesis (6): C4 plant
- Photosynthesis (7): CAM plant
- Genetic material ▼
- DNA story (1): Overview
- DNA story (2): Friedrich Miescher
- DNA story (3): Albrecht Kossel
- DNA story (4): Phoebus Levene
- DNA story (5): Griffith’s Experiment
- DNA story (6): Oswald Avery
- DNA story (7): Chargaff Rules
- DNA story (8): Hershey-Chase experiment
- Evolution ▼
- Eve of Evolution: Creationism
- Eve of evolution: Catastrophism
- Eve of evolution: Lamarckism
- Eve of evolution: Voyage of Beagle
- Darwin Bulldog
- Scopes Monkey Trial
- Natural selection
- Balance selection
- Selective breeding
- Heterosis
- prebiotic soup
- Submarine white chimneys
- From Luca to prokaryote
- From procaryote to eukaryote
- Origin of chloroplast
- Multicellular algae
- Multicellular animal
- Ediacaran garden
- Cambrian Explosion
- Plant conquered land
- Motion ▼
- Scalar vs Vector
- Point mass
- Time
- Reference frame, position
- Distance, displacement
- Average velocity
- Instantaneous velocity/speed
- Acceleration
- Graphs of motion
- Linear motion ▼
- Uniform linear motion
- Uniformly Accelerated
- Free fall
- Galileo&
- Alkali metal ▼
- Alkali metals
- Sodium metal
- Sodium Compund
- Potassium metal
- Distribution of K
- Alkaline earth metal ▼
- Alkaline earth metal
- Magnesium & Its compounds
- Distribution & manufacture of Mg
- Calcium metal
- Calcium compound